Wybrane publikacje Zespołu Naukowego PERM

Adam Latała; 1975 - Investigations of the Changes in the Trans-membrane Potential of the Leaf Cell of the Moss Funaria hygrometrica, under the Influence of Light - Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences biologiques, 23(10), 717-723. PDF

Adam Latała; 1978 - Zawartość chlorofilu w wodach Zalewu Wiślanego - Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne, 21, 81-94. PDF

Adam Latała, Małgorzata Wójcik; 1979 - Wpływ wybranych węglowodorów aromatycznych na fotosyntezę i oddychanie zielenicy Enteromorpha sp. - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału BiNoZ UG, Oceanografia, 6, 79-84. PDF

Adam Latała, Jolanta Dąbrowska; 1980 - Krótkoterminowe zmiany zawartości chlorofilu a w wodach Zatoki Puckiej - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału BiNoZ UG, Oceanografia, 7, 91-97. PDF

Adam Latała; 1982 - Zawartość chlorofilu w wodach powierzchniowych zachodniej części Zatoki Gdańskiej - Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne, 39, 15-33. PDF, PDF-cd

Adam Latała, Marcin Pliński; 1985 - The effect of selected dispersants on growth of Chlorella vulgaris Beijernick and Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson - Oceanologia, 22, 35-40. PDF

Adam Latała; 1985 - Zawartość chlorofilu w wodach powierzchniowych Zatoki Gdańskiej właściwej w roku 1981 - Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne, 46, 11-22. PDF

Ireneusz Florczyk, Adam Latała; 1989 - The phytobenthos of the Hornsund fiord, SW Spitsbergen - Polar Research, 7, 29-41. PDF

Adam Latała; 1990 - Photosynthesis and respiration of some marine benthic algae from Spitsbergen - Polar Research, 8(2), 303-307. PDF

Adam Latała; 1991 - Effects of salinity, temperature and light on the growth and morphology of green planktonic algae - Oceanologia, 31, 119-138. PDF

Adam Latała; 1991 - Photosynthesis and respiration of plants from the Gulf of Gdańsk - Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 21, 85-100. PDF

Adam Latała, Nadim Hamoud, Marcin Pliński; 1991 - Growth dynamics and morphology of plankton green algae from brackish waters under the influence of salinity, temperature and light - Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 21, 101-116. PDF

Grażyna Kowalewska, Maria Łatocka, Adam Latała; 1992 - Formation of the copper-chlorophyll complexes in cells of phytoplankton from the Baltic Sea - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 39(1), 41-49. PDF

Adam Latała; 1993 - The chlorophyll a contents in the surface waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk - Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne, 64, 187-195. PDF

Adam Latała, Ireneusz Florczyk; 1993 - The effect of light and temperature interactions on the growth of planktonic green algae - Studia i Materiały Oceanologiczne, 64, 173-186. PDF

Adam Latała; 1994 - Photosynthetic light-response curves in marine algae from coastal waters at different biogeographical regions - W: Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea, A comparative ecological approach of coastal environments and paralic ecosystems, Guelorget O., Lafebvre A. (eds.), Montpellier, 171-178. PDF

Adam Latała; 1995 - Photosynthetic light-response curves in marine benthic plants from the Thau Lagoon. W: Mathis P. (ed.), Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Vol. V, 849-852. PDF

Lucyna Falkowska, Adam Latała; 1995 - Short-term variations in the concentrations of suspended particles, chlorophyll a and nutrients in the surface seawater layers of the Gdańsk Deep - Oceanologia, 37(2), 249-284. PDF

Adam Latała; 1996 - Concentration and distribution of chlorophyll a in the Gdańsk Bay - Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the Baltic Marine Biologists, 42-52. PDF

Marc Verlaque, Adam Latała; 1996 - Sur une espèce japonaise de Chondrus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) accidentellement introduite dans l’é tang de Thau (France, Méditerranée) - Cryptogamie, Algol., 17(3), 153-164. PDF

Adam Latała; 1997 - Photosynthetic light requirements of the Arctic macroalgae from Spitsbergen. Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin, 189-202. PDF

Katarzyna Bradtke, Adam Latała, Piotr Czabański; 1997 - Temporal and spatial variations in particles concentration and their sizes distributions in the Gulf of Gdańsk - Oceanological Studies, 2-3, 39-59. PDF

Maria Królska, Adam Latała, Małgorzata Michalska, Jacek Nowacki, Zdzisław Sobol; 1997 - Escherichia coli survival in the water from the Gulf of Gdańsk under laboratory conditions - Oceanological Studies, no 4, 133-143. PDF

Adam Latała, Waldemar Surosz; 1998 - The effect of salinity on toxic influence of heavy metals towards planktonic green algae. Biologia, Bratislava , 53 (4), 547-555 (1998). PDF

Adam Krężel, Adam Latała; 1999 - Chlorophyll A content in the surface layer of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the AVHRR images – Oceanological Studies, 28(3-4) 3-15. PDF

Adam Latała; 1999 - A simple volumetric method for primary production measurements in sediments. In: Garab G. (ed.) Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Vol. V, 849-852 (1999). PDF

Adam Latała, Waldemar Surosz; 1999 - Growth of four planktonic algae from brackish water in the presence of heavy metals. - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 46(2), 131-154. PDF, PFD-cd

Philippe Goulletquer, Maciej Wołowicz, Adam Latała, Philippe Geairon, Arnaud Huvet, Pierre Boudry; 1999 – Comparative analysis of oxygen consumption rates between cupped oyster spat of Crassostrea gigas of French, Spanish and Taiwanese origins – Aquat. Living Resour. 12 (4), 271-277 (1999). PDF

Adam Latała, Sabina Misiewicz; 2000 - Effects of light, temperature and salinity on the growth and chlorophyll-a content of Baltic cyanobacterium Phormidium amphibiumArchiv für Hydrobiologie, Algological Studies 100, 157-180. PDF

Katarzyna Bradtke, Adam Latała; 2003 - Particle size distributions in the Gulf of Gdansk . In: H. Dahlin, B. Dybern, S. Petersson (eds) ICES Cooperative Research Report, No 257, ISSN 1017-6195, pp. 107-113. PDF

Adam Latała; 2003 - Autecological characteristic of some algal strains from Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA). In: N. Lima, D. Smith (eds) Biological Resource Centers and the Use of Microbes, Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, ISBN: 972-97916-3-5, pp. 323-345. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2003 - Simultaneous separation of chlorophylls and carotenoids by RP-HPLC in some algae and cyanobacteria from the Southern Baltic - Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 32(2), 81-89. PDF

Philippe Goulletquer, Maciej Wołowicz, Adam Latała, Craig Brown, Simon Cragg; 2004 - Application of a micro-respirometric volumetric method to respiratory measurements of larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas - Aquat. Living Resour. 17, 195-200. PDF

Adam Latała, Piotr Stepnowski, Marcin Nędzi, Wojciech Mrozik; 2005 - Marine toxicity assessment of imidazolium ionic liquids: Acute effects on the Baltic algae Oocystis submarina and Cyclotella meneghiniana - Aquatic Toxicology, 73, 91-98. PDF

Radosław Żbikowski, Piotr Szefer, Adam Latała; 2006 – Distribution and relationships between selected chemical elements in green alga Enteromorpha sp. from the southern Baltic – Environmental Pollution, 143, 435-448. PDF

Adam Latała, Sabina Jodłowska, Filip Pniewski; 2006 - Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) and characteristic of some strains by factorial experiment approach – Archiv für Hydrobiologie 165, Algological Studies 122, 137-154. PDF

Radosław Żbikowski, Piotr Szefer, Adam Latała; 2007 – Comparison of green algae Cladophora sp. and Enteromorpha sp. as potential biomonitors of chemical elements in the southern Baltic – Science of the Total Environment, 387, 320-332. PDF

Adam Latała, Marcin Nędzi, Piotr Stepnowski; 2009 - Toxicity of imidazolium and pyridinium based ionic liquids towards algae. Chlorella vulgaris, Oocystis submarina (green algae) and Cyclotella meneghiniana, Skeletonema marinoi (diatoms) – Green Chemistry, 11, 580-588. PDF

Adam Latała, Marcin Nędzi, Piotr Stepnowski; 2009 - Toxicity of imidazolium and pyridinium based ionic liquids towards algae. Bacillaria paxillifer (a microphytobenthic diatom) and Geitlerinema amphibium (a microphytobenthic blue green alga) - Green Chemistry, 11, 1371-1376. PDF

Adam Latała, Marcin Nędzi, Piotr Stepnowski; 2009 - Acute toxicity assessment of perfluorinated carboxylic acids towards the Baltic microalgae - Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 28, 167–171. PDF

Adam Latała, Marcin Nędzi, Piotr Stepnowski; 2010 - Toxicity of imidazolium ionic liquids towards algae. Influence of salinity variations - Green Chemistry, 12, 60-64. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2010 - Photoacclimation strategies in the toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) – Phycologia, 49(3), 203-211. PDF

Filip F. Pniewski, Thomas Friedl, Adam Latała; 2010 - Identification of diatom isolates from the Gulf of Gdańsk: testing of species identifications using morphology, 18S rDNA sequencing and DNA barcodes of strains from the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) - Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies - 39(3), 3-20. PDF

Małgorzata Chobot, Marta Brucka, Adam Latała; 2010 - The toxic effect of ionic liquid BMIMCl on the rate of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in selected strains of Baltic microalgae. In: K. Olańczuk-Neyman, H. Mazur-Marzec (eds) Monografie Komitetu Inżynierii Środowiska PAN nr 64, Microorganisms in the environment and environmental engineering from ecology to technology, Printing House Perfecta, Lublin, pp. 45-56. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Sylwia Sliwińska, Adam Latała; 2010 - The influence of irradiance on the growth and photosynthetic pigments of three Baltic picocyanobacterial strains of Synechococcus. In: K. Olańczuk-Neyman, H. Mazur-Marzec (eds) Monografie Komitetu Inżynierii Środowiska PAN nr 64, Microorganisms in the environment and environmental engineering from ecology to technology, Printing House Perfecta, Lublin, pp. 85-92. PDF

Sylwia Sliwińska, Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2011 - Ekofizjologiczne i allelopatyczne właściwości pikoplanktonowej sinicy Synechococcus sp. - Acta Geographica Silesiana, 1, 63-66, ISSN 1897-5100. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2011 - The comparison of spectrophotometric method and high-performance liquid chromatography in photosynthetic pigments analysis - OnLine J. Biol. Sci., 11(2), 63-69. DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2011.63.69. PDF

Radosław Żbikowski; 2011. Use artificial neural networks to identify the origin of green macroalgae. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 94, 138-143. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2012 - Mechanisms of Photoacclimation on Photosynthesis Level in Cyanobacteria. In: Mohammad Mahdi Najafpour (ed) - Advances in Photosynthesis - Fundamental Aspects, pp. 97-108, InTech Publishing, Rijeka, ISBN 978-953-307-928-8. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska, Adam Latała; 2012 - Allelopathic effects of cyanobacterial filtrates on Baltic diatoms - Contemporary Trends in Geoscience, Vol. 1, 103-107, numer ISSN 2084-5707, DOI: 10.2478/ctg-2012-0016. PDF

Szymon Talbierz, Natalia Kujawska, Adam Latała; 2012 - Opatentowany fotobioreaktor do produkcji nowych leków i nutraceutyków wytwarzanych na bazie mikroalg (Patented photobioreactor to commercial production of new drugs and nutraceuticals from microalgae) - Przegląd Lekarski, 69(10), 1031-1034. PDF

Aleksandra Zgrundo, Paulina Lemke, Filip Pniewski, Elen Cox, Adam Latała; 2013 - Morphological and phylogenetic studies on Fistulifera saprophila (Lange-Bertalot & Bonik) Lange-Bertalot - Diatom Research, 28(4), 431-443. DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2013.833136. IF=0.750, LP=20. PDF

Marcin Nędzi, Adam Latała, Joanna Nichthauser, Piotr Stepnowski; 2013 - Bioaccumulation of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid in a simple marine trophic chain - Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 42(2), 149-154. PDF

Sabina Jodłowska, Adam Latała; 2013 - Combined effects of light and temperature on growth, photosynthesis and pigment content in the mat-forming cyanobacterium Geitlerinema amphibium (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) – Photosynthetica, 51(2), 202-214. DOI:10.1007/s11099-013-0019-0. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska, Tadeusz Parusel, Adam Latała; 2013 - Human impact on the allelopathic effects of cyanobacteria and microalgae in the Baltic Sea - a review - Acta Geographica Silesiana, 13, WNoZ UŚ, Sosnowiec 2013, 87-92, numer ISSN 1897-5100. PDF

Adam Latała, Maciej Wołowicz, Marcelina Ziółkowska; 2014 - Fisiologia de organismos marinhos (Fizjologia Organizmów Morskich), Wydawnictwo Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni, Gdynia, Polonia, 2014, ISBN 978-83-7421-237-3.

Sabina Jodłowska, Sylwia Śliwińska; 2014. Effects of light intensity and temperature on the photosynthesis irradiance response curves and chlorophyll fluorescence of three picocyanobacterial strains of Synechococcus. Photosynthetica, 52(2), 223-232. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska, Maria Skauradszun, Elżbieta Niemirycz, Adam Latała; 2014 - The production and release of allelopathic compounds by Baltic cyanobacteria - Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology and Safety, Vol. 8, 583-589, numer ISSN 1314-7234 (Online). PDF

Filip Pniewski, Paulina Biskup, Iwona Bubak, Pierre Richard, Adam Latała, Gerard Blanchard; 2015 - Photo-regulation in microphytobenthos from intertidal mudflats and non-tidal coastal shallows - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 152, 153-161, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.022. PDF

Grzegorz Zajfert, Jarosław Tęgowski, Adam Sokołowski, Adam Latała, Natalia Gorska; 2015 - Realizacja projektu naukowego w zakresie podmorskiej sekwestracji CO2 w południowej części Morza Bałtyckiego - Bezpieczeństwo Pracy i Ochrona Środowiska w Górnictwie, 11(255), 3-8. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2016 - Allelopathic interactions between Synechococcus sp. and Nodularia spumigena under different light conditions - Allelopathy Journal, 37(2), 241-252, numer ISSN: 0971-4693 (Print) 0973-5046 (Online). PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2016 - Allelopathic activity of the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. under varied light, temperature and salinity conditions - International Review of Hydrobiology, 101, 1-9, numer ISSN: 1522-2632 (Online). PDF

Filip Pniewski, Pierre Richard, Adam Latała, Gerard Blanchard; 2017 - Non-photochemical quenching in epipsammic and epipelic microalgal assemblages from two marine ecosystems - Continental Shelf Research, 136, 74-82. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Jakub Maculewicz, Aldo Barreiro Felpeto, Vitor Vasconcelos, Adam Latała; 2017 - Allelopathic activity of the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. on filamentous cyanobacteria - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 496, 16–21. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Jakub Maculewicz, Julia Tuszer, Kinga Dobosz, Dagmara Kalusa, Adam Latała; 2017 - First record of allelopathic activity of the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. on a natural plankton community - Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 17, 227–234. PDF

Anita Lewandowska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Dominika Woźniczka; 2017. Identification of cyanobacteria and microalgae in aerosols of various sizes in the air over the Southern Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2), 30-38. PDF

Filip Pniewski, Pierre Richard, Adam Latała, Gerard Blanchard; 2018 - Long- and short-term photoacclimation in epipsammon from non-tidal coastal shallows compared to epipelon from intertidal mudflat - Journal of Sea Research, 136, 1-9. PDF

Natalia Gorska, Ewa Kowalska-Duda, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2018 - On diel variability of marine sediment backscattering properties caused by microphytobenthos photosynthesis: Impact of environmental factors - Journal of Marine Systems, 182, 1-11. PDF

Marek Klin, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2018 - Characteristics of the growth rate and lipid production in fourteen strains of Baltic green microalgae - Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 47(1), 10-18. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Jakub Maculewicz, Aldo Barreiro Felpeto, Adam Latała; 2018 - Allelopathic and bloom-forming picocyanobacteria in a changing world - Toxins, 10, 48. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Aldo Barreiro Felpeto, Jakub Maculewicz, Amanda Sobczyk, Vitor Vasconcelos, Adam Latała; 2018 - Allelopathic activity of the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. on unicellular eukaryote planktonic microalgae - Marine and Freshwater Research, 69(9), 1472–1479. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Adam Latała; 2018 - Allelopathic activity of the bloom-forming picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. on the coexisting microalgae: the role of eutrophication - International Review of Hydrobiology, 103(3-4), 37–47. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Agata Cieszyńska, Jakub Maculewicz, Adam Latała; 2018 - Ecophysiological characteristics of red, green and brown strains of the Baltic picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. – a laboratory study - Biogeosciences, 15, 6257–6276. PDF

Marek Klin, Zuzanna Kowalska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2018 - First record of the freshwater green alga Scotinosphaera austriaca from the Baltic Sea - Plant and Fungal Systematics, 63(2), 65-67. PDF

Ilona Złoch, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Marta Kucharska, Wiktoria Kozłowska; 2018 - Allelopathic effects of Chara species (C. aspera, C. baltica, and C. canescens) on the bloom-forming picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 36403-36411. PDF

Filip Pniewski, Zuzanna Sylwestrzak; 2018 - Influence of short periods of increased water temperature on species composition and photosynthetic activity in the Baltic periphyton communities. Biologia, 73, 1067-1072. PDF

Kinga Wiśniewska, Anita Lewandowska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska; 2019 - The importance of cyanobacteria and microalgae present in aerosol to human health and the environment – Review study. Environment International, 131, 104964. PDF

Aldo Berreiro Felpeto, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Marek Klin, Zofia Konarzewska, Vitor Vasconcelos; 2019­ - Temperature-dependent impacts of allelopathy on growth, pigment, and lipid content between a subpolar strain of Synechocystis sp. CCBA MA-01 and coexisting microalgae. Hydrobiologia, 835, 117-128. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Agata Cieszyńska, Marta Konik, Adam Latała; 2019 - Environmental drivers of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea: effects of salinity, temperature, and irradiance. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 219, 139–150. PDF

Zuzanna Kowalska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2019 - Barkoding DNA – Nowoczesne podejście do identyfikacji organizmów. Kosmos, 68(1), 89-96. PDF

Zuzanna Kowalska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2019 - Kody kreskowe DNA – możliwości i zastosowanie. Kosmos, 68(4), 651-657. PDF

Zuzanna Kowalska, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2019 - DNA barcoding – A new device in phycologist’s toolbox. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 19, 417-427. PDF

Marek Klin, Filip Pniewski, Adam Latała; 2020 - Growth phase-dependent biochemical composition of green microalgae: theoretical considerations for biogas production. Bioresource Technology, 303, 122875. PDF

Zofia Konarzewska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Aldo Barreiro Felpeto, Vitor Vasconcelos, Adam Latała; 2020 - Assessment of the allelochemical activity and biochemical profile of different phenotypes of picocyanobacteria from the genus Synechococcus. Marine Drugs, 18(4), 1-14. PDF

Filip Pniewski; 2020 - HPLC separation of cyanobacterial and algal photosynthetic pigments. Biologia, 75(2), 223-233. PDF

Iwona Bubak, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Paulina Głowacka, Agnieszka Szczerba, Katarzyna Możdżeń; 2020 - The importance of alleopathic picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. on the abundance, biomass assemblages in three freshwater lakes. Toxins, 12(4), 259. PDF

Łukasz Wejnerowski, Halina Falfushynska, Oksana Horyn, Inna Osypenko, Mikołaj Kokociński, Jussi Meriluoto, Tomasz Jurczak, Barbara Poniedziałek, Filip Pniewski, Piotr Rzymski; 2020 - In vitro toxicological screening of stable and senescing cultures of Aphanizomenon, Planktothrix, and Raphidiopsis. Toxins, 12(6), 1-18. PDF

Kinga Wiśniewska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Anita Lewandowska; 2020 - The first characterization of airborne cyanobacteria and microalgae in the Adriatic Sea region. PLoS ONE, 15(9), 1-17. PDF

Filip Pniewski, Iwona Piasecka-Jędrzejak; 2020 - Photoacclimation to constant and changing light conditions in a benthic diatom. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 1-12. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Zofia Konarzewska, Kinga Wiśniewska, Marta Konik; 2020 - Photosynthetic pigments changes of three phenotypes of picocyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. under different light and temperature conditions. Cells, 9, 2030. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Gracjana Budzałek, Zuzanna Kowalska, Marek Klin, Adam Latała; 2020 - Baltic macroalgae as a potential source for commercial applications – review. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Naturae, 5, 220-237. PDF

Zuzanna Sylwestrzak, Aleksandra Zgrundo, Filip Pniewski; 2021 - Ecotoxicological Studies on the Effect of Roundup® (Glyphosate Formulation) on Marine Benthic Microalgae. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 884. PDF

Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Kinga Wiśniewska, Zofia Konarzewska, Agata Cieszyńska, Aldo Barrreiro Felpeto, Anita U. Lewandowska, Adam Latała; 2021 - The curent state of knowledge on taxonomy, modulating factors, ecological roles, and mode of action of phytopankton allelochemicals. Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145681. PDF

Gracjana Budzałek, Sylwia ŚliwińskaWilczewska, Kinga Wiśniewska, Agnieszka Wochna, Iwona Bubak, Adam Latała, Józef Maria Wiktor; 2021 - Macroalgal defense against competitors and herbivores. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 7865. PDF

Gracjana Budzałek, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Marek Klin, Kinga Wiśniewska, Adam Latała, Józef Maria Wiktor; 2021 - Changes in growth, photosynthesis performance, pigments, and toxin contents of bloom-forming cyanobacteria after exposure to macroalgal allelochemicals. Toxins, 13, 589. PDF

Wilczewska P. Ona A. E. N., Bielecka-Giełdoń A., Malankowska A., Tabaka K., Ryl J., Pniewski F., Siedlecka E.M.; 2021 - Application of BiOClnBrm photocatalyst to cytostatic drugs removal from water; mechanism and toxicity assessment. Seperation and Puification Technology, 254, 117601. PDF

Wiśniewska K., Śliwińska-Wilczewska S., Lewandowska A., Konik M.; 2021 - The effect of abiotic factors on abundance and photosynthetic performance of airborne cyanobacteria and microalgae isolated from the southern Baltic Sea region. Cells, 10, 103. PDF

Wiśniewska K., Śliwińska-Wilczewska S., Lewandowska A.; 2022 - Airborne microalgal and cyanobacterial diversity and composition during rain events in the southern Baltic Sea region. Scientific Reports, 12, 2029. PDF

Śliwińska-Wilczewska S., Wiśniewska K., Budzałek G., Konarzewska Z.; 2022 - Phenomenon of Allelopathy in Cyanobacteria. Chapter in: Ecophysiology and Biochemistry of Cyanobacteria. SpringerLink, pp. 225-254.

Kinga Wiśniewska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Mireille Savoie, Anita U. Lewandowska.; 2022 - Quantitative and qualitative variability of airborne cyanobacteria and microalgae and their toxins in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Science of The Total Environment, 826, 154152.

Gracjana Budzałek, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska; 2022. Allelopathic effect of the green macroalga Ulva intestinalis (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) on selected Baltic cyanobacteria. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae, 7. PDF

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 11:06 PM